There is something feeble, and a little contemptible, about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dare not face this thought, and he therefore cannot carry his own reflections to any logical conclusion. Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed. He therefore adopts persecution, censorship, and a narrowly cramping education as essentials of statecraft.
Source:Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 7: Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles ? n10
More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0710.htm
Today's words from Russell seem to describe President Trump's character. Since Trump graduated from a prestigious university (graduate school), he must be intelligent (or at least was). I feel like I can understand why Trump becomes angry and reacts excessively when criticized. Although, it might just be that he is pretending to be angry, and there is also the possibility that he is nothing more than a mere creature of materialism and the desire for power. By observing Trump’s later years after he leaves office, I think I will come to understand him better.
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