Bertrand Russell Quotes


To Christians, Mohammedans, and Jews the most fundamental question involved in the truth of religion is the existence of God. In the days when religion was still triumphant the word "God" had a perfectly definite meaning; but as a result of the onslaughts of the Rationalists the word has become paler and paler, until it is difficult to see what people mean when they assert that they believe in God.
 Source:Bertrand Russell: Has Religion Made Useful Contributions to Civilization? 1930
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Many people use the word "God" carelessly. There is a significant difference between polytheism and monotheism, but even within monotheism, the meaning of "God" varies widely. The concept of God as an absolute deity worshiped by a specific tribe differs greatly from the God believed in by evangelical Christians. Even among monotheistic believers, there are considerable differences?for instance, evangelical Christians, who interpret the Bible literally, and Quakers, who perceive God as the "inner light."
When a person who follows a specific religion uses the word "God," they likely have a well-defined image of what they mean. However, when someone who does not adhere to a particular religion uses the term, it is interesting to consider what they have in mind, though in most cases, it may not mean much more than "some transcendent being." Even the question "Does God exist?" often requires first clarifying, "What do you mean by 'God'?" before any meaningful discussion can take place.
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