But I am quite unwilling to accept the view that social cohesion is impossible except by the help of useful lies. I know that this view has the sanction of Plato and of a long line of practical politicians, but I think that even from a practical point of view it is mistaken.
Source: Bertrand Russell: .
More info.:https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0707.htm
「政治家は嘘つきの始まり」という言葉は、世界中で使われているようです。この言葉の意味するところは何でしょうか? もちろん、「嘘をつく政治家が多い」というのが最も中心的な意味のはずです。しかし、仮に政治家の視点で考えると、違った意味合いが含まれているのではないでしょうか?
たとえば、トランプや安倍総理(当時)がついた嘘の数は膨大であり、政治には嘘が必要だと考えている(安倍氏の場合は考えていた)と考えないと、とうてい二人のことは理解できません。二人とも政治には嘘が必要と考えていたからこそ、似た者同士で気が合ったのではないでしょうか? そうでないとしたら、「ただの嘘つき」ということになります。あなたはどう考えますか?
The phrase "A politician is the beginning of a liar" seems to be used around the world. What does this phrase mean? Of course, the most central meaning must be that "there are many politicians who lie." However, if we consider this from a politician's perspective, doesn’t it take on a different nuance?
Politicians with strong logical thinking and linguistic abilities try to explain things logically so that voters (the people or citizens) can understand them. However, those who lack such abilities rely primarily on appealing to voters' emotions. In fact, there are probably not many politicians who are fully aware of their own lack of logical thinking skills. Rather, quite a few politicians likely believe that many voters are foolish and that "a lie can be a useful tool" in gaining public support. They may even see Plato’s "noble lie" as a necessary evil.
For example, both Trump and then-Prime Minister Abe told an enormous number of lies. Without assuming that they believed lies to be necessary in politics (or in Abe’s case, that he had believed so), it is impossible to understand them. Perhaps the reason they got along so well was that they both saw lies as essential to politics. Otherwise, they would simply be "just liars."
What do you think?
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