キリスト教徒は(キリストの)復活を信仰し、共産主義者はマルクスの価値論を信仰する。しかし、どちらの信仰も合理的に(合理的説明によって)擁護することはできない。そのため、それぞれは宣伝(注:宗教の場合は「布教」という言葉を使うが同じこと)によって、そして必要とあれば 戦争によって擁護される。・・・。
Christians have faith in the Resurrection, Communists have faith in Marx’s Theory of Value. Neither faith can be defended rationally, and each therefore is defended by propaganda and, if necessary, by war. ..
All this is an inevitable consequence of any strongly-held faith unless, like the Quakers, you are content to remain forever a tiny minority.
Source: Bertrand Russell:Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 7: Religious Faith Cure Our Troubles ? , n5
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0705.htm
There are groups of various sizes, ranging from families to nations. Individuals belong to different groups, and since these groups vary in scale, they may find themselves in the majority in some cases and in the minority in others. The nation with the largest population today is the People's Republic of China, but it is expected to be overtaken by India soon. For any given individual, while they may belong to the majority in one situation, they may be part of the minority in another. Majorities tend to discriminate against and persecute minorities. Consequently, every individual both discriminates and is discriminated against in some way. At present, the United States is the most powerful nation in terms of economic and military strength. As a result, it does not need to be particularly mindful of other nations, and it is inevitable that it discriminates against or ignores people from other countries, often without realizing it. Of course, only a small number of Americans are aware of this.
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