This new world of astronomy is vast, but cold. Nowhere is there anything in which the longing for human warmth can find comfort, and so the upholders of ancient systems complain of materialism and say that science is forgetting spiritual values. Those who speak in this way are compelled to overlook what myth has done for mankind--the long ages of human sacrifice, of cruel rites, of burnings at the stake, and punishment of those who sought knowledge....
Knowledge has been the liberator by destroying the mythical excuses for cruelty.
Source: Bertrand Russell:
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0413.htm
Within the vast universe, humanity is but a speck of dust. However, those who do not wish to view humanity in this way cannot readily accept the scientific worldview or the materialistic conception of the universe. What is important is not the results of science but the scientific way of thinking and perceiving things, yet they fail to fully grasp this.
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