仮に悪魔と堕天使が党公認の候補に指名され、大天使ガブリエルが無所属で立候補するとしたならば、ガブリエルに当選の見込みはないのはなぜだろうか? なぜなら、それが現実(注:fact 実際に起こる事実)だからである。不思議だと思うかもしれないが。・・・。我々は我々にふさわしい政治家を選ぶのである。
Why is it that, if Satan and Beelzebub were nominated as the official candidates and the Archangel Gabriel stood as an independent, the Archangel would have no chance of being elected ? For that is the fact, strange as it may seem. ... We have the politicians we deserve.
Source: Bertrand Russell: On politician (written in Dec. 16, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975
More info.: https://russell-j.com/POLITICI.HTM
Sincere candidates tend to appear as 'weak candidates,' while slightly forceful individuals (in other words, 'candidates who appear strong') are more likely to be seen as 'better candidates' who can fulfill people's wishes (desires). In reality, even a 'candidate who seems weak' can, in most cases, turn into a 'strong candidate' if they receive the majority of votes. However, before that happens, specifically, at the time of voting, many voters tend to cast their votes for the 'candidate who appears strong,' which is a reality (a fact that actually occurs).
It is worth noting that translating 'fact' as '事実' (fact) in this context may not be appropriate. This is because while 'winning the election' is a 'fact,' the 'lack of a chance of winning' is not a 'fact.' Therefore, translating it as '事実' could create a sense of discomfort or inconsistency." * Amazon Gift Card