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The study of history from the building of the pyramids to the present day is not encouraging for any humane person. At various times there have been men who saw what was good, but they did not succeed in altering the pattern of human behaviour. Buddha, as much as Christ, taught universal love, but in the end the inhabitants of India preferred Siva. St. Francis was gentle in his doctrines, but his immediate disciples became recruiting sergeants in a very savage war. There is so strong a tendency in human nature towards the fiercer passions that those who oppose them almost always incur hatred, and that whole systems of morals and theology are invented to make people feel that savagery is noble.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 1: From Ethcs to Politics, n.4
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/47T-2_0104.htm
シヴァ神は、「現代のヒンドゥー教では最も影響力を持つ3柱の主神の中の1人」で「シヴァに関する神話では慈悲深い様を示す描写がある一方で、対照的に恐ろしい性質を見せるエピソードも多く語られ、曖昧さとパラドックスの神などとも表現される」(wikipedia の記述)とのことです。要するに、人間は慈悲にあふれた、穏やかなだけの神や仏では満足できず、「自分の気に入らない人々を処罰してくれる神」を望む人が少なくないということです。
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell