バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Ru
ssell Quotes )



Thought is in its essence impersonal and detached, instinct is in its essence personal and tied to particular circumstances : between the two, unless both reach a high level, there is a war which is not easily appeased. This is the fundamental reason for vitalism, futurism, pragmatism, and the various other philosophies which advertise themselves as vigorous and virile. All these represent the attempt to find a mode of thought which shall not be hostile to instinct. The attempt, in itself, is deserving of praise, but the solution offered is far too facile. What is proposed amounts to a subordination of thought to instinct, a refusal to allow thought to achieve its own ideal. Thought which does not rise above what is personal is not thought in any true sense : ...
Source: Principles of Social Reconstruction,1916, chap. 7
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/SISAKU.HTM

 なお、牧野編『ラッセル思想辞典』(早稲田大学出版部刊)の該当項目では、一行目の「思索(Thought」)は本質的に非個人的で・・・」のところを、「知能(マインド)は本質的に非個人的で・・・」と訳出してしまっています。『ラッセル思想辞典』は要旨訳となっている部分がけっこうありますが、多分引用文の少し前の一文「The life of the mind consists of thought which is wholly or partially impersonal, in the sense that it concerns itself with objects on their own account, and not merely on account of their bearing upon our instinctive life.」とごっちゃまぜ?にしてしまったのではないかと思われます。

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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell