バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )



The beauty of the Cornish coast is inextricably mixed in my memories with the ecstasy of watching two healthy happy children learning the joys of sea and rocks and sun and storm. I spent a great deal more time with them than is possible for most fathers. During the six months of the year we spent in Cornwall we had a fixed and leisurely routine. During the morning my wife and I worked while the children were in the care of a nurse, and later a governess. After lunch we all went to one or other of the many beaches that were within a walk of our house.
Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2,chap.3: China
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB24-020.HTM

 ドーラ・ラッセルの自伝『タマリスクの木』(リブロポート、1984年/山内碧・訳)p.259 から少しだけ引用しておきます。

「他の親たちのように(→ 多くの親がそうであるように)、バーティ(松下注:ラッセルの愛称)と私は長男に夢中だった。ジョンは土地のミルクと新鮮な空気の中ではじめから育てられ(→ 丈夫に育ち)、間もなく元気で陽に焼けるようになった。彼が生長していくのを何か知りたいと思い、私は熱心にベビーベッドに横になっている彼を見守った。やがて徐々に彼が自分の手を意識的に動かすことができるのを発見した。彼は一本の指を曲げ、次に別の指を曲げ、その動きを大きな鳶色(とびいろ/茶色)の目で厳かに見入っていた(→ 私はジョンの成長を理解したいと思い、ベビーベッドに横たわっていたジョンが、自分の手を1本ずつ意識的に動かすことができることを少しずつ発見していく様子に魅了された)。」
( Like most parents, Bertie and I were infatuated with our firstborn. John throve on Cornish milk and air from the start and was soon cheerful and sunburnt. I wanted to understand something about his development and was fascinated to watch him, as he lay in his cot, slowly discovering that he could consciously move his own hands: he would bend one finger after another, gazing solemnly at the movement with his big brown eyes. )
#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell