バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )



I was astonished that, in New York, where I had been, so short a time before, spoken of with vicious obloquy, my lectures seemed to be popular and to draw crowds. ... But what amazed me was that the hall should have been packed with enthusiastic students in increasing numbers as the lectures proceeded. There were so many that crowds of those who came had to be turned away for lack of even standing room. I think it also surprised my hosts.
 Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3.
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/AB31-200.HTM

 いやな人間性と言うか、面白い人間性と言うか、好意を持って注目を浴びている人間の言うことは「良く聞こえる」。また、言っていることを余り理解できなくても、理解できた(同感した)と思ったりすることも少なくない。  まあ、「受ける」ことは心地よく、悪いことではないが・・・。

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