Only passion can control passion, and only a contrary impulse or desire can check impulse. Reason, as it is preached by traditional moralists, is too of negative, too little living, to make a good life. It is not by reason alone that wars can be prevented, but by a positive life of impulses and passions antagonistic to those that lead to war. It is the life of impulse that needs to be changed, not only the life of conscious thought.
Source: Principles of Social Reconstrucition, 1916
More info.: https://russell-j.com/cool/10T-0101.HTM
<寸言> 衝動をコントロールすることは重要であるが、それだけでは不十分である。偏狭な愛国心や憎悪に流されないような、戦争をもたらす衝動や情熱に反抗する衝動が湧いてくるような、人間性を養う必要がある。