バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


Indeed God's purposes in creating the universe appear to be mainly concerned with human beings. The doctrines of the Incarnation and the Atonement could not appear probable if Man were not the most important of created beings. Now there is nothing in the Copernican astronomy to prove that we are less important than we naturally suppose ourselves to be, but the dethronement of our planet from its central position suggests to the imagination a similar dethronement of its inhabitants. While it was thought that the sun and moon, the planets and the fixed stars, revolved once a day about the earth, it was easy to suppose that they existed for our benefit, and that we were of special interest to the Creator.
 情報源: Religion and Science, 1935, chapt. 1

 理屈にあわなくても偉い人の言うことを、自分の頭で考えずに、そのまま受け取ってしまう人は、民主主義社会においても、多数存在する。権力者の言うことは聞いておいたほうがよいという判断が無意識的に働くのかも知れない。  特に多くの人が従っている場合には、それにあわせておいたほうがよいと考える人が多い。これは選挙で言えば浮動票にあたる。自分の判断が間違ったとあとでわかった場合でも、多くの人が間違ったのだからと「自分を許すことができて好都合」である(らしい)。

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