Legally tolerated organizations other than the State have powers over their members which are strictly limited by law. If you are a barrister, a solicitor, a medical man, or an owner of racehorses, you may be disbarred, struck off the rolls, disqualified, or warned off the turf... The powers of organizations other than the State over their members depend upon the right of expulsion, and are more or less severe according to the degree of obloquy and financial hardship attached to expulsion.
情報源: Power, 1938.
「組織からの追放は、子供における「仲間はずれ」から「国家からの追放(非国民扱い)」まで様々な形態がある。家庭においても「勘当」というのがある。トランプ大統領がすきなのは、「You are fired!」。