Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

It does not follow, because A is cruel, that B is right to be cruel towards A. It follows only that he does right in trying to prevent A from committing further cruel acts. If, as may well happen, this is more likely to be effected by kindness than by punishment, then kindness is the better method. ...
It was not possible to apply this method to Hitler, and I do not wish to suggest that in his case it would have succeeded.
But it is possible to apply it to the German nation.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter 10:Is there ethical knowledge ?
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* a brief comment (Translated with
 Are you getting tired of repeating the same arguments?
 For those who have learned it well, it is 'Preaching to Buddha', but for those who only understand it in their heads, but do not practise it, it seems to make sense.
 A common excuse for committing atrocities against other peoples is to compare them to Hitler or the Nazis. The argument is that the other party is Hitler (Nazi) and therefore must be eradicated (and cruelty is justified).