Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

There are those who say that love is the key to understanding, but if scientific understanding is meant, I do not think they are right. It would, however, be even more unscientific to regard hatred as the key to understanding. Every emotion, whether friendly or unfriendly, distorts judgement.
Source: Bertrand Russell: As others see us (written in Mar. 23, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
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Incorrect understanding (misperception) of facts tends to lead to incorrect judgments. The important thing about "doing everything with love" is that it should be based on a solid understanding of the facts. In contrast, in the field of politics, there are many people who act as if hatred is the "key to understanding things (objects)". As I mentioned before, the Beatles' song "All you need is love" has two meanings. One is that love is everything, but the other is that love is the only thing missing.