Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

We do not, as a rule take a very great interest in the doings of other people unless we either love or hate them. If we do not take an interest in them, we do not take the trouble to get information about them; while if we either love or hate them, the information which we shall obtain is likely to be misinformation. This applies in particular to one nation's knowledge of another nation.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Bertrand Russell: As others see us (written in Mar. 23, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975]
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* a brief comment (Translated with
Prime Minister Kishida initially said that he had an ear to listen, but as a result of being slammed so much, he does not seem to be making such statements these days.
 When his aides and officials give their opinions and impressions to PM Kishida, he will "listen", but he appears to make little effort to listen to them himself. In other words, as Russell says, "If you don't have an interest in other people, you don't dare to seek knowledge about them". Prime Minister Kishida seems to be interested in the abstract 'people' and 'nation', but has little interest in the flesh and blood of the ordinary people.