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be due to [owed or owing as a debt or right; payable; because of; caused by/〜に借りている,〜に当然に支払われる(与えられる)べき;〜のせいである]
* be due (到着の予定である)と区別すること。
My acknowledgments are due to my wife for constant help, both by criticism and by collection of material.

His excessive emphasis on sex was due to the fact that in sex alone he was compelled to admit that he was not the only human being in the universe. But it was so painful that he conceived of sex relations as a perpetual fight in which each is attempting to destroy the other.
[彼(D. H. ロレンス)は過度に性(セックス)を重視したが,それは,性(セックス)においてのみ,この宇宙で彼だけが唯一の人間ではないことを認めざるを得ないという事実に因るものであった。しかし性(セックス)は彼にとってとても苦痛であったので,彼は,性的関係をお互いが相手を破滅させようとする永遠の闘争であると思い描いた。

Given more courage there would be less worry, and therefore less fatigue; for a very large proportion of the nervous fatigues from which men and women suffer at present are due to fears, conscious or unconscious.

Loss of zest in civilised society is very largely due to the restrictions upon liberty which are essential to our way of life.

A thousand yen is due to you. / Respect is due to older people. / The accident is due to his carelessness. / Some articles have risen in price, due to the increasing demand.
[君には1000円謝金している(← 君に1000円支払われるべきだ)。/年上の人には尊敬を払うべきだ。/その事故は彼の不注意のせいである。/需要増加のせいで(ために)値段の上がった品物もある。

Any money that is due to yow will be paid before the end of the month. / The price of gold rose again, due partly to rumoures of war.
[出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English]

The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]