
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 t079 - transact

★ transact 【(vt) ~を行う,処理する | (vi) 行う】

* transact business with ... ~と取引する
* transaction (n):処理;取引


あるいは アマゾンで購入


Broadly speaking, it is held that getting money is good and spending money is bad. Seeing that they are two sides of one transaction, this is absurd.

Aristotle, in his book on the Constitution of Athens, represents the transaction in an even more discreditable light.
[アリストテレスは,アテネ(アテナイ)の憲法に関する著書の中で,その取引(贈収賄)を,もっと評判をおとすような見方で(discreditable light)描写している。]

The old-fashioned father no doubt enjoyed instilling virtue into his son by means of the rod. These, however, are one-sided pleasures; to the other party in the transaction the situation is less agreeable.


We can transact contracts online easily, but security is a major impediment.
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.4- 超上級の3000語』p.111

There are a lot of reasons to open a website to transact business on the internet.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.91

The bank offers secure transactions over the internet.
 出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 800』p.25

The deal was transacted over the phone.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.110

Mr. Harrison reckons half of his business could be transacted by computer.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.