
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s044 - subordinate

★ subordinate [(adj.) 下(位)の,劣った;従属する || (n) 従属者,部下;従属するもの || (v) (・・・を・・・の)下位に置く;従属させる;(・・・よりも)軽視する]

* subordination (n):下位に置くこと;従属;軽視
* subordinative (adj.):従属的な


あるいは アマゾンで購入
But nowadays almost every young man has to begin with a very subordinate post in some vast organisation. His superiors seldom have the tolerance of the experienced schoolmaster and are likely to give promotion to the 'good' boy.

There is first a form of the debate between aristocrats and democrats, the former holding that the privileged class should be taught to employ its leisure in ways that are agreeable to itself, while the subordinate class should be taught to employ its labour in ways that are useful to others.

The politician may change sides so frequently as to find himself always in the majority, but most politicians have a preference for one party to the other, and subordinate their love of power to this preference.
 出典:ラッセル政治的に重要な欲求 -ノーベル文学賞受賞記念講演」]



The term "dialect" has generally been used to refer to a subordinate variety of a language.

He treats his subordinates very badly.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]