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バートランド・ラッセル「優等生について」(1931年11月18日執筆)(松下彰良 訳)

* 原著:On being good, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975

* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.9.13)


 一例として、政治機構をとりあげることができるだろう。奇妙なことではあるが、すぐれた政治家が国民によって選ばれるはずの民主主義国家では、政治家(松下注:ニュアンスとしては、statesman 政治家ではなく、politician 政治屋)は'下らない奴ら'だとほとんどの一般大衆が思っている。政治家(屋)はあまりにもくだらない人間であるため、「政治家(屋)」という言葉は軽蔑のニュアンスを持つに至っている。政党の規律の硬直性(厳格さ)が、このような事態の主な原因ではないかと私は思う。政党はいかなる時にも一連の見解と政策を持ち、現役の党員はすべて、本当は別の考えを抱いていても、党の見解と政策には忠実でなければならない。誠実さや鋭い洞察力よりも、党の綱領に忠実であることが重視され、その結果、ひとかどの若い党員はほとんど皆、党務全体が耐えられなくなり、指導者になる機会が生ずる前に党の実務から身を引くことになる。

 Everybody who has much to do with boys comes, in time, to prefer the boy who is sometimes 'bad' to the boy who is invariably 'good'. The boy who fills the master's desk with frogs, puts mice in the way of the maids, steals the apples in the orchard before they are ripe and absents himself from class when there is a circus is a 'bad' boy and is likely to be frequently punished, though such punishment is merely a conventional folly. But in the very moment of punishing him any sensible schoolmaster will prefer him to the 'good' boy who obeys every precept to the letter and always says 'yes, sir', or 'no, sir', as circumstances demand.
We believe a boy ought to show spirit and should on occasion have the pluck to defy the authorities and take the consequences. At any rate, this is the belief where the sons of the well-to-do are concerned ; courage in wage-earners is less admired by the authorities.
The adult world is growing less and less suitable to the qualities of the 'bad' boy. Nelson was a bad boy to the end of his days; so was Julius Caesar. But nowadays almost every young man has to begin with a very subordinate post in some vast organisation. His superiors seldom have the tolerance of the experienced schoolmaster and are likely to give promotion to the 'good' boy.
Unfortunately docility is not a quality which is often found in the man capable of initiative or leadership. Some fool, long ago - probably a Roman - said that to know how to command, a man must first learn how to obey. This is the opposite of the truth. The man who has learnt to obey will either have lost all personal initiative or will have become so filled with rage against the authorities that his initiative will have become destructive and cruel.
It seldom happens, therefore, that the best men rise to the top.
In the great majority of cases they will have proved themselves so insubordinate or so critical of their superiors that they will have ceased to form part of any powerful organisation.
One may take the political machine as an illustration. It is an odd fact that, in a democracy, where the eminent politicians are chosen by the people, there is almost everywhere a general agreement that politicians are a poor lot, so much so that the very word 'politician' has acquired a flavour of contempt. The chief reason for this state of affairs, I should say, is to be found in the rigidity of party discipline. A party has, at any given moment, a set of opinions and policies which must be adhered to by all its active members, however little they may agree at heart. Orthodoxy is more valued than either honesty or acumen, with the result that most young men who are not mediocre find the whole business intolerable and abandon it before they have had a chance to become leaders.
Since organisation is inevitable in the modern world, there is every no way out of this trouble except to imbue the men in important positions with toleration for the vagaries of the young. When men have already become important there is, of course, no hope of improving them, since they will no longer listen to advice. Unfortunately, the improvement of the young is generally left to those who have already become old and important. I can only suggest that no school should have a head more than thirty years of age. But I hardly expect to see this admirable reform adopted.