
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s018 - self-righteous

★ self-righteous (adj.) [独善的な,ひとりよがりな]

* self-righteousness (n): 独善


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Although my self-righteousness at that time seems to me in retrospect repulsive, there were substantial grounds for my criticisms. She tried to be more impeccably virtuous than is possible to human beings, and was thus led into insincerity.
* repulsive (adj.): ぞっとする;反発する

Ottoline had a great influence upon me, which was almost wholly beneficial. She laughed at me when I behaved like a don or a prig, and when I was dictatorial in conversation. She gradually cured me of the belief that I was seething with appalling wickedness which could only be kept under by an iron self-control. She made me less self-centred, and less self-righteous.
* seethe (v): 煮え立つ;(通例進行形で)煮えくり返る



She subsided into self-righteous silence.
* subside (v):沈下する;静まる;沈殿する;(人がソファーなどに)沈み込む
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]