バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p017 - profound
★ profound (adj.)[深遠な;心からの;学識の深い;(変化・影響など)重大な]
* 森一郎『改訂新版 試験にでる英単語』p.77説明: pro = forward , found < bottom → 「底の方にいく」 → 深遠な。
(関連語: fundamental 「根本的な)
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[本書のなかにはいかなる深遠な哲学も,またいかなる深い学識も見出されないだろう。私はただ,常識(common sense) ― であってほしいと願っている ― によって示唆された若干の所見をまとめてみようとしたにすぎない。
I have imagined myself in turn a Liberal, a Socialist, or a Pacifist, but I have never been any of these things, in any profound sense. Always the sceptical intellect, when I have most wished it silent, has whispered doubts to me, has cut me off from the facile enthusiasms of others, and has transported me into a desolate solitude.
The corporation lawyer, the corrupt politician, and the popular psychiatrist are expected to utter moral sentiments with profound earnestness and great frequency, but in return for this hard work, they are allowed a suitable remuneration.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Certainly, the emergence of life on earth is the most profound scientific question.[確かに,地球に生命が誕生したことは最も深遠な科学的論題だ。
There was a profound silence in the empty church.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]