ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p011 - peculiar

★ peculiar (adj.)[妙な,変な;異常な,気の狂った;(特定の人・もの・ことに属する意味で)特有の,固有の;(口語)病気で

* peculiarity (n): 特有,独特;独自性;特色,特性;異常な点,風変わりな点,奇癖


It is a peculiarity of modern communities that they are divided into sets which differ profoundly in their morals and in their beliefs. ... Owing to all these differences of outlook a person of given tastes and convictions may find himself practically an outcast while he lives in one set, although in another set he would be accepted as an entirely ordinary human being.
* outcast (n):追放人;浮浪者

One of the peculiarities of the English-speaking world is its immense interest and belief in political parties. A very large percentage of English-speaking people really believe that the ills from which they suffer would be cured if a certain political party were in power. That is a reason for the swing of the pendulum. A man votes for one party and remains miserable; he concludes that it was the other party that was to bring the millennium. By the time he is disenchanted with all parties, he is an old man on the verge of death; his sons retain the belief of his youth, and the seesaw goes on.
* pendulum (n):(時計などの振り子);(振り子のように両端に)激しく動揺するもの 【 the swing of the pendulum (世論・人心などの)大揺れ,激しい変動】



This style of cooking is peculiar to the south-west of the country. / The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the British political system.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English, new ed.]