

* 原著: Sceptical Essays, 1928, chap.11.
* 出典:牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』所収


 教育が一世代の間に新しい方向に向けられるまでは,従来の行動様式による外ない。期待できる最上の行動は,できるだけ多くの人々が政治的懐疑論者になり,魅力的に提示される政党綱領を軽信せず,厳しく検討することである。有能で公共精神に富む人も,政治で成功するには偽善者にならなければならない。 (写真:1923年,ロンドンのチェルシー選挙区に労働党候補として立候補したラッセル;2歳の息子ジョンと。From R. Clark's The Life of B. Russell.)
One of the peculiarities of the English-speaking world is its immense interest and belief in political parties. A very large percentage of English-speaking people really believe that the ills from which they suffer would be cured if a certain political party were in power. That is a reason for the swing of the pendulum. ...By the time he is disenchanted with all parties, he is an old man on the verge of death; his sons retain the belief of his youth, and the see-saw goes on....
It is useless to urge that politicians ought to be high-minded enough to advocate what enlightened opinion considers good, because if they do they are swept aside for others. ...There is therefore no point in moral exhortations to politicians to be disinterested, except in the crude sense of not taking bribes.
Source: Sceptical Essays, 1928, chap.11: the need for political scepticism
 More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/SCEP-POL.HTM