
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 o006 - odd

★ odd (adj.) [風変わりな,妙な;奇数の;余分の]


It is an odd fact that, while we are all charming people when we are at home, most of us become horrid as soon as we travel abroad.

What are the philosophers doing when they are at work? This is indeed, an odd question, and we might try to answer it by first setting out what they are not doing.

It seldom happens, therefore, that the best men rise to the top. In the great majority of cases they will have proved themselves so insubordinate or so critical of their superiors that they will have ceased to form part of any powerful organisation. One may take the political machine as an illustration. It is an odd fact that, in a democracy, where the eminent politicians are chosen by the people, there is almost everywhere a general agreement that politicians are a poor lot, so much so that the very word 'politician' has acquired a flavour of contempt.
* insubordinate (adj.):従順でない,反抗的な
* lot (n):くじ;運命;(口語)やつ 【 a bad lot 悪者】

[それゆえ,'最良の人間'は指導者には滅多になれない。そのような人間は,たいていの場合,権力に服従せず,上司に批判的になり,いかなる有力な組織の一翼をになうことをやめるであろう。 一例として,政治機構をとりあげることができるだろう。奇妙なことではあるが,すぐれた政治家が国民によって選ばれるはずの民主主義国家では,政治家(松下注:ニュアンスとしては,statesman 政治家ではなく,politician 政治屋)は'下らない奴ら'だとほとんどの一般大衆が思っている。政治家はあまりにもくだらない人間であるため,「政治屋」という言葉は軽蔑のニュアンスを持つに至っている。


It's very odd that she did'nt reply to our letter.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English, new ed.]