
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 n032 - nag

★ nag (v)【 (vi) (人に)がみがみ小言を言う;しつこく苦しめる || (vt) (人に)がみがみ小言を言う;しつこくせがむ;(心配事などが人を)しつこく苦しめる】

* nagging (adj.):口やかましい;しつこい


Perpetual nagging, prohibition of noise, constant instruction in manners, used to make childhood a period of misery. I can remember, at the age of five, being told that childhood was the happiest period of life (a blank lie, in those days). I wept inconsolably, wished I were dead, and wondered how I should endure the boredom of the years to come.

The child who has been treated wisely and kindly has a frank look in the eyes, and a fearless demeanour even with strangers; whereas the child that has been subject to nagging or severity is in perpetual terror of incurring reproof, and terrified of having transgressed some rule whenever he has behaved in a natural manner.
* demeanour (米 demeanor):物腰;表情

Were I nagged day in and day out as he appears to be I should abandon non-violence.


The children are always nagging me for new toys. / They finally nagged me into taking them to the zoo.
[ B>出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

She had been nagging him to paint the fence. / A feeling of unease nagged at her.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]