* 出典:R.カスリルズ、B.フェインベルグ(編著),日高一輝(訳)(一部松下修正)『拝啓バートランド・ラッセル様_市民との往復書簡集』
'I have just bought your In Praise of Idleness for someone who is it personified! ... He is the laziest, stupidest, most greedy, hypocritical being that ever was. ... He spends all his days writing doggerel and sending it all over the world in the hope of preventing war. ...'
Dear Madam,
... I hope you will be honest enough to extend to the person whose laziness you describe my complete support and sympathy. Were I nagged day in and day out as he appears to be I should abandon non-violence.
(From: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general public, 1950 - 1968. Allen & Unwin, 1969.)