
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 l028 - layman

★ layman【(n) 平信徒;俗人;素人,門外漢 || (複数形) laymen 】


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In their work they are happy because in the modern world science is progressive and powerful, and because its importance is not doubted either by themselves or by layman.

Since that time my son-in-law had become a full fledged Minister in the Episcopal Church - he had been a layman and in the State Department - and he was taking his whole family to Uganda where he had been called as a missionary.

Another charge, allied to this one, is that I myself compose neither speeches nor articles nor statements put out over my name. It is a curious thing that the public utterances of almost all Government officials and important business executives are known to be composed by secretaries or colleagues, and yet this is held unobjectionable. Why should it be considered heinous in an ordinary layman? In point of fact, what goes out over my name is usually composed by me. When it is not, it still presents my opinion and thought. I sign nothing - letters or more formal documents - that I have not discussed, read and approved.
* heinous (adj.):憎むべき;極悪な


These technical terms are difficult for the layman to understand.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.311]

The mere mention of the words, 'heart failure', can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.
* conjure up:呪文を唱えて(魔法を使って)霊を呼ぶ;眼前に思い出す
[ (出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]