
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h017 - hear from / hear something from

★ hear from / hear something from【・・・から便りをもらう,連絡がある】


あるいは アマゾンで購入
When the War came, Wittgenstein, who was very patriotic, became an officer in the Austrian Army. For the first few months it was still possible to write to him and to hear from him, but before long this became impossible, and I knew nothing of him until about a month after the Armistice, when I got a letter from him written from Monte Cassino, saying that a few days after the Armistice he had been taken prisoner by the Italians, but fortunately with his manuscript.

His name was Mr Chao and, when I showed him an article that I had written called 'Causes of the Present Chaos', he remarked, 'Well, I suppose, the causes of the present Chaos are the previous Chaos.' I became a close friend of his in the course of our journeys. He was engaged to a Chinese girl and I was able to remove some difficulties that had impeded his marriage. I still hear from him occasionally and once or twice he and his wife have come to see me in England.
[彼は 趙(Mr. Chao)という名前であったが,彼に,私が書いた 'Causes of the Present Chaos' (「現在の混乱の原困」)という論文を見せたところ,彼はこう言った。「そうですね,私は,現在の混乱(Present Chaos)の原因(Cause)はその前の混乱にあると思いますね」。旅行を一緒にしているうちに,彼ととても親しい友だちになった。彼はある中国人女性と婚約しており,私は,彼らの結婚を妨げていたいくつかの難しい問題を解決してあげることができた。現在でも私は,時々彼から便りをもらっている。また彼は,一,二度,妻を連れて,私に会いに英国にやって来たことがある。


I heard from him last week. / I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.(= written at the end of a letter)
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

I haven't heard anything from her for months.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]

The police are anxious to hear from anyone who may know her.
[ 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]