
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 g028 - grace

★ grace [(n) 優美,優雅,気品;親切,好意;(キリスト教)神の恵み,恩寵]

* graceful (adj.):優美な,優雅な
* gracefully (adv.):優美に;潔く
* graceless (adj.):優雅さのない;見苦しい;不作法な


あるいは アマゾンで購入
All civilisation, especially on its aesthetic side, is artificial. Manners, good speech, good writing, good music, good dancing - everything that gives grace to life depends, not upon the denial of natural impulses, but upon training them to express themselves in ways that are delightful rather than in ways that are crude.

She was an aristocratic Bostonian of somewhat diminished fortunes, whom I had first come to know in 1896 when we were staying in Boston. In the face she was not strikingly beautiful, but her movements were the most graceful that I have ever seen.

Later, I saw from a cutting from The Sydney Morning Herald for August 26th, an account of my speech at Singapore. It reported my saying: 'I think that Britain should withdraw gracefully from Asia, as she did in India, and not wait to be driven out in the event of a war.


Sometimes you find grace in the most unlikely places.

By the grace of God, the ship came safely home through the storm.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporay English, new ed.]