
バートランドラッセル 英単語・熟語 g018 - go on with

★ go on with [~を続ける,さらに続ける]


あるいは アマゾンで購入
In the last months of the war his younger son, who was only just eighteen, was killed. This was an appalling grief to him, and it was only by an immense effort of moral discipline that he was able to go on with his work.
* appalling (adj.):ぞっと(ぎょっと)するような

So I went on with the work and finished the book on the night before we started for Marseilles.

Julian the Apostate, when he was fighting the Persians, won a victory and had the opportunity of an advantageous peace. He refused the Persian offer because Alexander at the same stage had refused a similar offer. Alexander had gone on with the war and been victorious; Julian went on with it and was defeated.
[背教者ユリアヌス帝(Julian the Apstate)は,ペルシア軍と戦って勝利を収め,有利な条件での講和の機会を持った。(しかし)彼はアレクサンダーが同じ段階で似たような和平提案を拒否したので,(それにならって)ペルシア側の提案を拒否した。アレクサンダー大王は戦闘を継続し勝ち続けた。(しかし)ユリアヌス帝は戦闘を継続し,敗北した。


He went on with his reading.

Go on with your work.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

That's enough for now - let's go on with it tomorrow.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.]