
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 f045 - flee

★ flee (vi,vt)【(~)逃げる;(危険などから)逃れる;(時間などが)急速に過ぎていく || (変化形) flee, fled, fled】

* 文語的な表現であり,通常は fly from の方が使われるが,過去形の fled はよく使われる。
* fleece (n):フリース;羊毛;白雲
* ちなみに flea は「蚤(のみ)」であり,flea market (フリー・マーケット)は「蚤の市」。


あるいは アマゾンで購入
He fled from d2ogs and cats, cowered in abject fear before a dark cupboard, wanted lights in every part of the room after dark.

She had been brought up as a Jacobite, her family being Irish Dillons, who fled to France after the Battle of the Boyne and had a private regiment of their own in the French army.
[彼女はジェームズ二世派として育てられ,彼女の一家はアイルランドのディロンズ派に属していた(訳注:John Dillons はアイルランド国民党の指導者)。ディロンズ派は,ボインの戦い(注:アイルランドのボイン川での戦い。この戦いでジェームズ二世はウィリアム三世に敗れた。)の後フランスに逃亡し,フランス軍の中に自分たち自身の連隊をもっていた。
 出典:ラッセル『自伝』 第1巻 第1章「幼少時代」]


In the seventeenth century scientific innovators were persecuted almost everywhere except in Holland. Spinoza would have had no chance to do his work if he had not been Dutch. Descartes and Locke found it prudent to flee to Holland.

Fleeing from war, Antonio and his family arrived in England two years ago.

The princess was fleeing photographers, when her car crashed.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.117]

During the war, thousands of civilians were forced to flee their homes.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.413]

The spectators fled in panic when the bull got loose. / We were forced to flee the country.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]