
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 f006 - function

★ function [(n) (人間・もの・制度などに固有の)機能,働き,目的;職務,役割;(社会的・宗教的)儀式,式典,行事;関数,演算子 | (v) 機能する,役目を果たす]

* functional (adv): made for or concerned with practical use only, without decoration 機能的,実用本位の;職務上の


あるいは アマゾンで購入
The right rule is simple: until a child is nearing the age of puberty teach him or her no sexual morality whatever, and carefully avoid instilling the idea that there is anything disgusting in the natural bodily functions.

No doubt the reason why the old 'law of causality' has so long continued to pervade the books of philosophers is simply that the idea of a function is unfamiliar to most of them, and therefore they seek an unduly simplified statement.

Limits and Continuity of Functions.
 出典:Bertrand Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 1919]


The new office building succeeds from a functional standpoint, but its design is dull and uninspiring.

When y is a function of x, the relationship is denoted as 'y = f(x)'.
[yがxの関数であるとき,その関係は y=f(x) と表記される。

Sunday church was a function at this village.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]

The function of a chairman is to lead and control meetings.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]