
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e111 - electorate

★ electorate【(n) 選挙民、選挙人、有権者;選挙母体、選挙区】

* 選挙権を持つ人の全体を指す集合名詞(例:米国の有権者: American electorate)。一人の有権者は an elector
* electoral (adj.):選挙の;選挙人の


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The high-minded idealist who stands for Parliament - on this matter I speak from experience - is astonished by the cynicism of the electorate which assumes that he only desires the glory of writing the letters 'M.P.' after his name. .
[国会議員に立候補する志の高い理想主義者は--この件については,私は経験から話しているのであるが(松下注:ラッセルは,3度国会議員選挙に立候補していることに注意)--立候補者は,自分の名前の後ろに国会議員(M.P.: Member of Parliament)という肩書を書く栄誉をほしがっているにすぎない,と思っている選挙民のシニシズム(冷笑主義)にびっくりする。]

It is the recognised function of directors to keep shareholders in their place, and she had a similar view about the relation of the Government to the electorate.

It might have been expected that the public would take more interest in local than in national questions, but this is not the case; on the contrary, the larger the area concerned, the greater is the percentage of the electorate that takes the trouble to vote.


70% of the electorate voted in the election.
 出典:『知識と文脈で深める上級英単語 LOGOPHILIAロゴフィリア』p.

He tried to woo the electorate with plans for a military buildup.
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.4: 超上級の3000語』p.114

Many people say the electoral system in this country should be changed.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

The electorate of a country or area is all the people in it who have the right to vote in an election.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.