バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d067 - embed
★ embed (v)(also imbed)【(しばしば受身形で使用) 埋め込む,はめ込む;(心などの)深く留める || (活用) embedded, embedding】
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Mind, on the other hand, under the influence of brain surgery and of the fortunate opportunities provided by war for studying the effects of bullets embedded in cerebral tissue, has begun to appear more and more as a trivial by-product of certain kinds of physiological circumstances.
A view of this sort, which goes against biological facts, can only be regarded by sane people as a morbid aberration. The fact that it is embedded in Christian ethics has made Christianity, throughout its whole history, a force tending towards mental disorders and unwholesome views of life.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.56
an operation to remove glass that was embedded in his leg
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary , 8th ed.