
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e043 - exemplify

★ exemplify (v)【例証する,例示する;(事が)良い例になる】

* exemplification (n):例証,模範;;標本,適例
* exempli gratia (省略形: e.g. ただし,通常 for example と読む):たとえば


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I did not publish this story at the time as it seemed too remote from reality. But, with the coming of the atom bomb, its remoteness from reality vanished, so I wrote other stories with a similar moral, some of which ended in atomic destruction, while others, which I called 'nightmares', exemplified the hidden fears of eminent man.

The second sort of age is exemplified by the ancient world before the rise of Christianity but after decadence had begun.

Within the compass of history as an art there are various kinds of history, each of which has its own peculiar kind of merit. One of these kinds of merit is especially exemplified by Gibbon, who offers us a stately procession of characters marching through the ages, all in court dress and yet all individual.
[芸術としての歴史の範囲内には,多様な歴史(書)が存在しており,それぞれ特有の長所を持っています。その長所の種類一つは,特にギボン(の歴史書)によって例証されており、彼は、(彼の著作において)(登場人物)全員が宮廷衣裳をつけてはいても(and yet)個性的に、時代から時代へと行進する人物の堂々とした行列を我々に提供しています。

In the study and criticism of Leibniz I found occasion to exemplify the new views on logic to which, largely under Moore's guidance, I had been led.


It exemplifies the worst aspects of capitalism. / These facts exemplify the correctness of my statement.
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.116]

Her pictures nicely exemplify the sort of painting that was being done at that period.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]