
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d008 - drain

★ drain [(vt,vi) 水を(排水設備で)徐々に排出させる;(土地を)からからに排水する;(富・権力などを)徐々に消耗させる | (n) 排水路、下水管;下水施設;排水;乱費]

* drainage (n) : a system or means for draining 排水;排水設備;汚水、下水

Once, when Friday's Hill was to be let, the prospective tenants wrote to inquire whether the drains had been passed by a sanitary inspector. She explained to us all at the tea-table that they had not, but she was going to say that they had. I protested, but both Logan and Alys said 'hush' as if I had been a naughty child who had interrupted Teacher.

Every street had stagnant water which bred millions of mosquitoes; every year one third of the inhabitants had malaria. There was no drainage system, but a vast mountain of excrement at a prominent place in the middle of the town.


Let's drain our glass of wine in one draft.

These children drain my energy.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]