
ラッセルb英単語・熟語 c108

★ counterpart (n) [対応するもの,対応する人;相当するもの;(対をなす2つの)片方;割り印]


There was something like the Judgment of Paris with the sexes reversed, and it was Sidney who emerged as a counterpart of Aphrodite.
(注)ギリシア神話の中の'パリス'が3人の美女のなかで,最も美しいのはアフロディーテであると審判をくだしたという寓話をもとにしたものであり,ここでは審判を受けたのは女性ではなく3人の男性であり,ベアトリスは3人の男性の中からシドニー・ウェッブを選んだということを言っている。  出典:ラッセル『自伝』第1巻 第4章「婚約期間

Unfortunately for our political sagacity, he overlooks the fact that in the East intelligence is respected, so that enlightened Radicals have an influence upon affairs which is denied to their English counterpart.

So long as the Japanese were victorious, they entertained a contempt for the white man, which was the counterpart of the contempt that the white man had felt for them while they were weak.

The report says that Asian-American students score much higher on math exams than their White counterpart.

The Japanese foreign minister met with his counterpart in the Chinese government.
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.71]

Japan's ambassador to the United Nations held a private meeting with the Chinese counterpart.

The Minister of Defence is meeting his American counterpart in Washington today.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.