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Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946

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 ある人種の他の人種に対する優越は,いまだかつて十分な理由から信じられたことはほとんどない。そのような信念が執拗に存続しているところでは,その信念は軍事的優越によって活かし続けられているのである。日本人が(軍事的に)勝利を続けている限りは,日本人は白人に対し軽蔑心を抱いて楽しんだのであり,それは日本人が弱かった間に白人が日本人に対して感じていた軽蔑心の裏返し(対応物)であった。しかし,時々,優越感軍事力となんの関係ももたない場合がある。ギリシャ人たちは,野蛮人ら(barbarians 異国の民・蛮族)が戦闘力において自分たちより勝っていた時でさえ,彼等を軽蔑したのである。ギリシャ人の間でより啓蒙された人々は,主人がギリシャ人で奴隷が野蛮人である限りは奴隷制を正当化できるものとみなしたが,そうでなければ自然に反するものであると考えた。古代のユダヤ人は,彼等自身の人種的優越性について,まったく特異な信仰をもっていた。キリスト教国家宗教となって以降,異教徒たち(注:Gentiles ユダヤ人から見た「異教徒」。ここではキリスト教徒のこと)はユダヤ人に対する自分たちの優越性への同様に非合理的な信念をもってきた。この種の信念はまさに限りない弊害を生じさせるものであり,それを根絶させることは教育の目的の一つでなければならないが,現在,実際にはそうなっていない。少し前の方で,私は,英国人がインド住民を扱うさいにとる優越的態度にふれたが,それは当然のこと,インドにおいて憤激をひき起したものである。しかし,(インドの)カースト制度は北方の「優越した」諸民族があい次いで侵入してきた結果,発生したものであり,その制度のいかなるものも,白人の傲慢さと同様に嫌悪すべきものである。
Pride of race is even more harmful than national pride. When I was in China I was struck by the fact that cultivated Chinese were perhaps more highly civilized than any other human beings that it has been my good fortune to meet. Nevertheless, I found numbers of gross and ignorant white men who despised even the best of the Chinese solely because their skins were yellow. In general, the British were more to blame in this than the Americans, but there were exceptions. I was once in the company of a Chinese scholar of vast learning, not only of the traditional Chinese kind, but also of the kind taught in Western universities, a man with a breadth of culture which I scarcely hoped to equal. He and I went together into a garage to hire a motor car. The garage proprietor was a bad type of American, who treated my Chinese friend like dirt, contemptuously accused him of being Japanese, and made my blood boil by his ignorant malevolence. The similar attitude of the English in India, exacerbated by their political power, was one of the main causes of the friction that arose in that country between the British and the educated Indians. The superiority of one race to another is hardly ever believed in for any good reason. Where the belief persists it is kept alive by military supremacy. So long as the Japanese were victorious, they entertained a contempt for the white man, which was the counterpart of the contempt that the white man had felt for them while they were weak. Sometimes, however, the feeling of superiority has nothing to do with military prowess. The Greeks despised the barbarians, even at times when the barbarians surpassed them in warlike strength. The more enlightened among the Greeks held that slavery was justifiable so long as the masters were Greek and the slaves barbarian, but that otherwise it was contrary to nature. The Jews had, in antiquity, a quite peculiar belief in their own racial superiority; ever since Christianity became the religion of the State Gentiles have had an equally irrational belief in their superiority to Jews. Beliefs of this kind do infinite harm, and it should be, but is not, one of the aims of education to eradicate them. I spoke a moment ago about the attitude of superiority that Englishmen have permitted themselves in their dealings with the inhabitants of India, which was naturally resented in that country, but the caste system arose as a result of successive invasions by 'superior' races from the North, and is every bit as objectionable as white arrogance.
(掲載日:2015.08.20 更新日:)