
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c030 - consolation

★ consolation (n) [慰めること、慰め、安らぎ]

* 森一郎『改訂新版 試験にでる英単語』p.164 説明: con = together , sole = comfort → 「ともに慰める」
* console (v): 慰める
* a consolation prize :残念賞
* consolation money :慰謝料 * syn. : comfort


Our parents love us because we are their children, and this is an unalterable fact, so that we feel more safe with them than with anyone else. In times of success this may seem unimportant, but in times of failure it affords a consolation and a security not to be found elsewhere.

Ever since the time of Boethius in the 6th century it has been customary to speak of the consolation of philosophy, but for my part I find more consolation to be derived from the study of history.
[六世紀に生きたボエティウス(Boethius, 480-524?: イタリアの哲学者,政治家)以来,哲学が与える慰めについて語るのが通例であったが,私自身は,哲学よりももっと多くの慰めを歴史研究から得ている。]

I have observed the same thing in a really bad London fog. An ordinary fog is a mere nuisance, but a fog so bad that you cannot see your own feet brings consolation even to the most melancholic.

I lay awake through long nights, hearing first the nightingale, and then the chorus of birds at dawn, looking out upon sunrise and trying to find consolation in external beauty.
[私は,幾晩も,長い夜を,いつまでも眠らずに,ベッドに横たわっていた。最初にナイチンゲール(nightingale サヨナキドリ:夜美しく鳴くので有名/上の切手の鳥)の鳴き声を聞き,それから夜明けに鳥たちの合唱を聞き,日の出を眺め,そうして外界の美しさに慰めを見いだそうと努めた。]


find consolation in religion / Music brings me much consolation.
[宗教の中に慰めを見出す / 私にはお音楽が大変慰めになる。]
 出典:『Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, v.1

The children were a great consolation to him when his wife died.
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.