
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b093 - boon

★ boon [(n)恩恵,利益 | (adj.) 愉快な]


Few professional men have not known periods when failure stared them in the face. At such times a capacity to become interested in something outside the cause of anxiety is an immense boon.

Suspicion of one's own motives is especially necessary for the philanthropist and the executive; such people have a vision of how the world, or some part of it, should be, and they feel, sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly, that in realising their vision they will be conferring a boon upon mankind or some section of it.

In Lisbon when heretics were publicly burnt, it sometimes happened that one of them, by a particularly edifying recantation, would be granted the boon of being strangled before being put into the flames.

From a number of points of view, but especially from that of safety in war, it would be a boon if more of our food were produced at home.


be a boon for
 出典:『究極の英単語<SVL> Vol.3 上級の3000語』p.191

The radio is a great boon to the blind.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

You can describe something as a boon when it makes life better or easier for someone..
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictonary for Advanced Learners, new ed.