バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b062 - bliss
★ bliss (n) [至福,無上の喜び]
* blissful (adj.):この上なく幸せな,至福の;楽しい
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[この個人主義は,個人の霊魂の不滅という教義 -それは,場合(状況/境遇)によって,あの世において無限の悦びを享受するか,あるいは無限の悲しみを味わうことになる。- として頂点に達した。]
Most people are not rich; many people are not born good-natured; many people have uneasy passions which make a quiet and well-regulated life seem intolerably boring; health is a blessing which no one can be sure of preserving; marriage is not invariably a source of bliss.
What we need for lasting happiness is impossible for human beings : only God can have complete bliss, for His is "the kingdoms and the power and the glory.
* His と大文字の所有格になっていることに注意。つまり,「神の」「もの(所有物)/His is A → A is His の倒置形)。
The perplexities of philosophers are due, in a large measure, to their unwillingness to awaken from this blissful dream.
ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Ignorance is bliss.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟 語鉄壁』p.9
The passengers carried on drinking and dancing, blissfully unaware of the impending disaster.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.