
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b057 - blossom

★ blossom [(n) (木に咲く,特に果樹に咲く)花];開花(の状態) || (v) 花を開く;栄える]

* bloom :(v)(花が)咲く;栄える || (n) 開花 【 be in full bloom 花が満開である】
* flower は一般的な花


By the time a child is three years old, he can be given a corner of the garden and encouraged to plant seeds in it. When they come up and blossom, his own flowers seem precious and wonderful.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』第二部 性格の教育_第6章「建設的であること」]

Nothing can rob a man of the happiness of successful achievement in an important piece of work, unless it be the proof that after all his work was bad. There are many forms of such satisfaction. The man who by a scheme of irrigation has caused the wilderness to blossom like the rose enjoys it in one of its most tangible forms.

I knew each corner of the garden, and looked year by year for the white primroses in one place, the redstart's nest in another, the blossom of the acacia emerging from a tangle of ivy.


The children are playing in the park under the cherry blossoms.
 出典:『VITAL3000 英単語・熟語』p.133]

cherry blossoms / The roses are in full bloom
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟 語鉄壁』p.133]

apple blossoms / a tree covered in blossom
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]