
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・英熟語 b046 ban

★ ban [(v) 禁止する;(・・・を・・・から)締め出す || (n) 禁止;禁止令;(世論の)無言の圧迫;破門,追放;公権剥奪]


At present such knowledge is regarded on both sides as dangerous. In America,books giving truthful information about Russia are banned from public libraries. In Russia,there is almost complete prohibition of accurate knowledge about the West.

In fact, he delivered the lecture which I had intended to give. The audience were somewhat surprised by the difference from his usual style. But at the very end he announced that he had been giving my banned lecture.

But when I went to see him, he said, 'It is a good book, but what is needed is not only nuclear disarmament but the banning of war itself'. In vain I pointed out the passage in my book in which I had said that the only way to ensure the world against nuclear war was to end war.
[ところが,私が彼(注:英国国防大臣ダンカン・サンディス)に会いに行った時,彼はこう言った。「これはたいへんいい本です。しかし,必要なのは単に核兵器撤廃ばかりでなく,戦争そのもの禁止です」。 私は,その本の中で,核戦争をひき起こさないよう世界に保証を与える唯一の道は戦争をなくすことであると述べている部分を指摘したが,無駄だった。


Over half of U.S. companies ban smoking in the workplace.
 出典:宮川幸久『英単語ターゲット1900 四訂版』p.223.]

Talking on cell phones is often banned.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.129]

The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]