バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 b005 - bankruptcy
★ bankrupt [(adj.) 破産した,支払い能力のない;(精神的に)破綻した | (n) 破産者 | (vt) 破産させる]
* bankruptcy: (n) (an example of) the state of being or becoming bankrupt/破産,倒産;(名声などの)失墜;(性格の)破綻1.ラッセルの用例
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( ・・・にとって「解雇」に対応するものは,・・・にとっての「破産」である。)
Of course, the trouble may be fear of bankruptcy, and in that case his work is directly connected with his worry, but even then worry is likely to lead him to work so long that his judgement becomes clouded and bankruptcy comes sooner than if he worked less.
But when a concern in which I have invested goes bankrupt, the money vanishes into thin air, and in many cases no one is the richer.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
There has been a sharp increase in bankruptcies in the last two years.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]