
ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a003 - affection

★ affection (n) [愛情;(しばしば複数形で)感情]

* 語源:ラテン語 afficio(影響する)。
* affectionate (adj.): 愛情のこもった、優しい、情感のある
* affect (vt):(~に)影響する;作用する


あるいは アマゾンで購入
Affection in the sense of a genuine reciprocal interest for two persons in each other, not solely as means to each other's good, but rather as a combination having a common good, is one of the most important elements of real happiness, and the man whose ego is so enclosed within steel walls that this enlargement of it is impossible misses the best that life has to offer, however successful he may be in his career.

The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests, who secures his happiness through these interests and affections and through the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest and affection to many others. To be the recipient of affection is a potent cause of happiness, but the man who demands affection is not the man upon whom it is bestowed.
* ラッセルは「(いろいろな)感情(affections)」と「愛情(affection)」を区別して使用していますが、岩波文庫版の安藤貞雄(訳)では全て「愛情」として訳出されています。

For these reasons we should be more concerned to produce sympathetic and affectionate adults than to force a precocious development of these qualities in early years.

One generation of fearless women could transform the world, by bringing into it a generation of fearless children, not contorted into unnatural shapes, but straight and candid, generous, affectionate and free.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』一部 教育の理想_第2章「教育の目的

Chinese problems, even if they affected no one outside China, would be of vast importance, since the Chinese are estimated to constitute about a quarter of the human race.


Violence on TV affects children.

He feels (/has) a deep affection for his old friend.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.