ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 - client / customer
【"client":"client"には「(弁護士の)依頼人」や「顧客」だけでなく、お金を渡すなどして面倒を見る被保護者を指す場合がある。後者には"welfare client"(生活保護者)及び"political client"(例:第二次世界大戦後の日本はアメリカの「保護国 client state」)がある。】
(1-1) She has very rich clients for her boutique.
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(1-2) He urges as well that the United States stop "preaching and bullying" and begin to deal with the Japanese as allies rather than clients.
A doctor or a lawyer who attempted to live in open sin would lose all his patients or clients.
It has the grave drawback that the prostitute is generally despised, and is probably thought ill of even by her clients.
[その生活(売春)には、売春婦(娼婦)が一般に(世間から)軽蔑され、多分,客からでさえ悪く思われるという,重大な欠点(drawback 不利益)がある。]
I shall speak (write) as a consumer, not a producer. In shops they have a maxim: "The customer is always right." ]
There is another way of classifying the relations of an individual to different organizations : he may be a customer, a voluntary member, an involuntary member, or an enemy.]
[個人が種々の組織(体)に対して持つ関係の分類法として,もう一つ別の方法がある。(即ち)彼(彼女)は顧客かも知れないし,自由会員かも知れないし,義務であるいは強制的に入会している会員(involuntary member)かも知れないし,その組織の敵かも知れない。]
It's important for you to establish a good relationship with clients.
出典:『英単語ターゲット1900』, p.195
a solicitor and his client
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners,, new ed.
The new shop across the road has taken away most of my customers.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.