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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 - Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第13章 組織(体)と個人 n.9 - 顧客か、自由会員か、強制入会者か?

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366
 個人が種々の組織(体)に対して持つ関係分類法として,もう一つ別の方法がある。(即ち)彼(彼女)は顧客かも知れないし,自由会員かも知れないし,義務であるいは強制的に入会している会員(involuntary member)かも知れないし,その組織の敵かも知れない。


Chapter XIII: Organizations and the Individual, n.9

There is another way of classifying the relations of an individual to different organizations : he may be a customer, a voluntary member, an involuntary member, or an enemy.

The organizations of which man is a customer must be thought by him to minister to his comforts, but they do not add much to his feeling of power. He may, of course, be mistaken in his good opinion of their services : the pills he buys may be useless, the beer may be bad, the race-meeting an occasion for losing money to bookmakers. Nevertheless, even in such cases, he gains something from the organizations that he patronizes: hope, amusement, and the sense of personal initiative. The prospect of buying a new car gives a man something to think and talk about. On the whole, freedom of choice as to how to spend money is a source of pleasure -- affection for one's own furniture, for example, is a very strong and very wide-spread emotion, which would not exist if the State supplied us all with furnished apartments.
(掲載日:2018.01.24 /更新日: )