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バートランド・ラッセルの英語_日英語表現辞典シリーズ - abuku-zeni あぶく銭


 最所フミ(編著)『日英語表現辞典』(ちくま学芸文庫,2004年1月)を参考にした「ラッセルの英語_日英語表現辞典シリーズ」(通称 R日英表現)です。 総索引

★ abuku-zeni あぶく銭 unearned money; ill-gotten riches; easy money (p.271)

 * 「あぶく銭はなくなるのも早い」
  → Easy money disappears fast.



After parting with the debentures that I gave to Eliot, I was left with only about £100 a year of unearned money.

But a man who acquires a fortune by cruelty and exploitation should be regarded as at present we regard what is called an 'immoral' man; and he should be so regarded even if he goes to church regularly and gives a portion of his ill-gotten gains to public objects.


unearned income/wealth | unearned praise (= not deserved praise)
 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

Declare all unearned income | ill-gotten gains (= money that was not obtained fairly)
 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.