第9章 世論に対する力(世論に対する影響力)n.6 - 「信じるものは救われる」?
広告の力もこれと同じ部類に入る。これこれしかじかの丸薬(の効能)を信ずることが心地よいのは,この丸薬が健康(回復)の希望を与えてくれるからである。この丸薬の効能の卓越さが繰返し強く主張されるならば,その丸薬の効能を信ずる可能性がある。国家による宣伝のように,非合理な宣伝も,合理的なものと同じように,現在の(現在存在している)欲求に訴えかけなくてはならないが,非合理的な宣伝は,事実に対する訴えかけの代りに反復をもってするのである(注:何度も反復していれば信じる人も増えてくる)。 |
Chapter IX: Power Over Opinion, n.6So much for the power of Reason in human affairs. I come now to another form of un-forceful persuasion, namely that of the founders of religions. Here the process, reduced to its bare formula, is this: if a certain proposition is true, I shall be able to realize my desires ; therefore I wish this proposition to be true; therefore, unless I have exceptional intellectual self-control, I believe it to be true. Orthodoxy and a virtuous life, I am told, will enable me to go to heaven when I die; there is pleasure in believing this, and therefore I shall probably believe it if it is forcibly presented to me. The cause of belief, here, is not, as in science, the evidence of fact, but the pleasant feelings derived from belief, together with sufficient vigour of assertion in the environment to make the belief seem not incredible.The power of advertisement comes under the same head. It is pleasant to believe in so-and-so's pills, since it gives you hope of better health; it is possible to believe in them, if you find their excellence very frequently and emphatically asserted. Non-rational propaganda, like the rational sort, must appeal to existing desires, but it substitutes iteration for the appeal to fact. |